Learning the Catholic Faith in a Meaningful Way
Encountering the Catholic faith through a transformative love of God.
“The thing that I loved about having Mrs.Dobbins was that she had an awesome understanding of Catholic Theology and would teach in a way that you could understand how Theology could be incorporated into your everyday life.”
— Former Student

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let me guess
Maybe you...
- do not label yourself as "religious" at all.
- have been baptized but are not currently living out the faith.
- go to church a few times a year or maybe not at all.
- are not clear on what the Catholic faith teaches but don't have a huge hate toward it either.
- don’t set aside time for spiritual development but want to learn how.
- have had some exposure to the faith, and have been disappointed or not totally satisfied by it, but you are still looking for answers...
I’m here to tell you that
That’s okay
Most of the youth I’ve worked with are religiously neutral or report having no faith at all. They embrace goodness in a general sense and have compassionate hearts for defending what is good, but wouldn’t go so far as to commit to the Church’s traditional teachings, which often seem restrictive and counter cultural.
Yet many of the youth I’ve worked with are interested in exploring the mysteries of our Catholic faith and are open to learning more about living a life enriched by it.
If that is you, you’re in the right place.

Welcome to hope renewed ministries
We need hope in something bigger to keep us grounded, flourishing, and fully alive.
Hope is always needed. Especially now in a time where God seems more and more distant from everyday life and stories of the news, the pandemic, and tragedies seem to be taking center stage culturally.
Hope Renewed Ministries is more than just another “religion class.” It is a ministry that unpacks the eternal beauty and joy of the faith, by teaching and sharing the message of the Catholic faith in and through a foundation of restoring hope in a God who loves us.
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Online Course

humans flourish when hope is alive.
Meet Cristina
My life has been full of highs and lows, sorrows and joys, brokenness and transformation. For years I wondered what the point and meaning was of it all. Coming to know the security of a loving God has brought me peace and life-changing healing. The greatest victory God has made in my life is transforming dry bones into a life of hope, meaning, and great joy in His love.
In the last several years that I’ve worked with teenagers, I’ve seen that so many of our precious youth struggle with depression, anxiety, and confusion over their deepest identity. The greatest injury I’ve found repeatedly within these wrestling hearts was a tremendous loss of hope — a need for a guiding light or compass to light their way.
We are living in especially challenging times. Working with these students to help them cultivate the virtue of hope in and through spiritual formation and personal study of our Catholic faith proved to be the “missing link” for many. Witnessing them harness tools to grow in the virtue or hope was a transformative and life-giving process.
Fast forward to the present moment: I am now a mama of three and my desire to spread this message of hope has grown even more. For years I’ve prayed and thought through the idea of beginning an online ministry from home. I’m so excited that the time is now!

“I am not exaggerating when I say Mrs. Dobbins truly changed my life. Her ability to connect with each student on a deeper level and let each of us know of her faith in us made me and others feel so loved.
She inspired me to be a better person and to push myself to know and love God even more. I will forever be grateful to know and have been taught by Mrs. Dobbins.”
“I have always felt close to my religious beliefs but taking this class with you reminded me how important it is to nurture our relationship with God.”
“Being able to open up about your life is not only very courageous but taught me a valuable lesson, that whenever you go through hard times, there is always something positive that you can do with that experience… You are such a great person, always spreading joy to those around you.”
“I have been so blessed to have you as a teacher! You are so funny, bright, and joyful! Thank you for always being there for me in the thick and thin. I have learned so much about Theology and even more about myself.”
“Mrs. Dobbins, thank you for everything you have done for us this year! You totally opened up to this class and build a comfortable, trusting environment. I have really enjoyed the class.”
Hope Renewed Online Course
Catholicism 101 in a nutshell. Incorporates the main doctrines, dogmas, and fundamental beliefs of the faith. Coming soon!

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A collection of free resources on multiple topics

Catholicism 101


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The Son Of God: Who Is Jesus?
How His suffering heals our brokenness
First Person Of The Trinity: God The Father
What Does It Mean That God Is Father And Why Is This Important?
Faith and Prayer Support
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