Catholicism 101


There are dozens of videos that can be found for free online. Here are a few of my favorites that I hope can be a great “starting point” for you. Feel free to browse and explore even more videos from each channel.


Why be Catholic and not just Christian?

Father Mike Schmitz unpacks the difference between Protestant denominations and the Catholic Church and reveals the single thing that sets Catholicism apart.


What Is Faith? w/ Fr. James Brent, O.P. (Aquinas 101)

Fr. James Brent explains the critical need of faith in human life and its complementarity to science.


Did Jesus Found the Catholic Church?

Fr. Cole, OFM, discusses the history of the Catholic Church from its founding and unpacks its claim to teach on the authority of Christ.


You Have Been Loved Into Being

Bishop Robert Barron explains the essential Catholic teaching of being made in the iamge of God who is love itself.


What Constitutes a Practicing Catholic?

Father Mike Schmitz explains the basic tenants of the faith that are required for anyone who would like to be considered a practicing Catholic.


Catholic Daily Mass

Watch daily to tune into the daily Catholic mass and join in the same liturgical prayers being said around the world.


Have You Mastered the Basics of Your Faith?

Fr. Mike Schmitz explains the basics of practicing the Catholic faith and provides insights on how to do them well and why this matters. 


Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained

Professor Edward Sri, PhD., walks viewers through the basics of the Catholic faith with the creed as his guide. Unpack the rich history and beautiful journey of Catholicism in this video. 


You Are Sacred

Catholic speaker Chris Stefanic explains the beautiful significance of how and why each and every one of us is sacred


What’s Catholic? Catholic Central

Watch a brief historical and theological lesson on the roots and development of the Catholic faith. 


Following Jesus Christ

Following the analogy of children and parents, Catholic speaker Ken Yasinski explains the three stages of growing in relationship with Jesus Christ. 


Questioning the Faith vs. Deconstructing the Faith (Postmodernism)

Catholic speakers Bobby and Jackie Angel discuss the gift of asking questions in a healthy and productive way vs. doing so in a deconstructive way and provide a lesson on how to tell the difference. 



The Holy Bible

The greatest religious text for the Catholic Christian. Walk through the entirety of Holy Scripture from Genesis to Revelation and discover God’s love story for you and the whole world.


The Catechism

A summary of the Catholic faith from start to finish. Explore all topics of Catholicism in one book and get all of your questions answered directly from the source.


Rome Sweet Home​

Journey with Dr. Scott Hahn in his autobiographical story of going from a Protestant Pastor to a leading figure and theologian within the Catholic faith.


40 Reasons I Am a Catholic

Peter Kreeft


Five Proofs of God’s Existence

Edward Feser


Theology for Beginners

Frank Sheed


A Map of Life

A Simple Study of the Catholic Faith, Frank Sheed


Broken and Blessed

An Invitation to My Generation, Fr. Josh Johnson


Why We’re Catholic

Our Reasons for Faith, Hope, and Love


The One This is Three

Father Michael E. Gaitley



Gregorian Chant

The sacred tradition of music chanted by monks as they pray the mass, the canonical hours, the divine office, and more. This music is known for its beauty, harmony, and peace it exhibits. Play this in your home or on a walk to enjoy the fruits of prayer through music.


Vocal Prayers

Pray along with the traditional and most well known prayers of the Church. These prayers are the starting point for traditional practices like the Rosary, the Mass, and an overall rich prayer life.


Daily Readings

Audio form! Readings of the mass for every day of the year, including feast days and solemnities. Play this when starting your day, in the car, or anytime at all you’d like to unite your day with the universal sacrifice of the mass.



Crash Course Catholicism



Mass Readings

Readings of the mass for every day of the year, including feast days and solemnities. Pray along with the Church daily and bring this with you the next time you’re at mass.



Scripture-based prayer rooted in Sacred Scripture and Tradition that summarizes the life of Christ through the practice of meditation and contemplation.


Holy Icons

Surround your home, office, and dorm room with beauty. Create space for the Sacred through traditional art and icons of our faith and be reminded of the eternal nature of Beauty.


Third Person Of The Trinity: The Holy Spirit

Third Person Of The Trinity: The Holy Spirit

How The Holy Spirit Emboldens Us Still Today

The Son Of God: Who Is Jesus?

The Son Of God: Who Is Jesus?

How His suffering heals our brokenness

First Person Of The Trinity: God The Father

First Person Of The Trinity: God The Father

What Does It Mean That God Is Father And Why Is This Important?

The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity

What does it mean that we worship one god but three persons?