Learn the Ancient Wisdom of Prayer
Dive deep into practices of the Catholic Faith that can shape and transform your life in Christ
“I personally have always considered myself to be a person of faith, but in Mrs. Dobbins’s class, she gave me new resources and tools to grow a deeper connection with God.”
— Former Student

Growing in prayer
Challenges and Goals of Prayer
Prayer is deeply personal. It is not always a “one size fits all.” Different people go through different seasons and not all forms of prayer will “click” at every stage of life.
Just how we adjust our shoes and clothing according to our growth and size — so too should our spiritual life reflect a routine of prayer that fits and leaves a healthy amount of room for growth.
Finding “what works” for a Catholic means developing a healthy spiritual life that allows the soul to enter more deeply into conversation with God.
The goal of a good prayer life is to create an environment for the Sacred and allows the Holy Spirit to move and speak freely within the soul.

rooted in faith
Spiritual Growth
Developing customized prayer practices does not “void out” traditionally rich spiritual practices of the Catholic faith, but aims to utilize them in a way that makes the most sense for you, your vocation, and season of life.
Personal prayer helps to heighten the traditional forms of prayer (i.e., the mass, the rosary, morning offering, etc.), by incorporating them in a way that compliments where God is calling you right now. It also means learning more about these techniques so that the intellect can better comprehend the richness of these practices.
When applied thoughtfully, these practices, alongside other customized prayer techniques, can lift burdens, sweeten areas of distress, and transform challenges into victories.
You are not alone
Prayer Support
Still unsure on where to start or how to implement this further into your own life? Feel free to contact me or book an appointment to set up our first consultation*. I would love to hear your story, get clear on your goals, and pray with you as we discern what makes the most sense right now.
Sometimes we can have all the information at our fingertips yet a guiding hand is the missing link needed to cross that goal we’re looking for. I am happy to be that guiding support and help you however I can!
Reaching greater intimacy with God, understanding His heart and will, conforming our heart to His, and experiencing the graces of His love are all good goals to have in the Christian life. By doing so, we discover our Creator and uncover our life calling, purpose, mission, and greatest identity as a child of God.
Remember this: the greatest goal of prayer is simply to encounter the divine exactly where we are — let God do the rest. Know of my prayers for you as you seek a life of meaning and joy in Christ.

resource library
Your Resources for Prayer and Spiritual GROWTH
Dive deep into the resources and recommendations compiled for you to learn and apply different forms of prayer. Utilize this section to your advantage and “click around” to see what sparks your interest.
Whether it’s growing intellectually, learning the “basics,” or discovering an entirely new practice altogether — my hope is that these resources can be to your benefit as you aim to grow and take the next step forward in Christ.

Basics of Prayer

Traditional Techniques

Prayer Tools

Find what works
Prayer During the Changing Seasons of Life
Sometimes attending a daily mass or having a weekly holy hour are not always achievable within the parameters of our lives and schedules. Yet that does not mean we are out of options when it comes to growth in Christ! We can still be intentional with our time and our lives from our rising to our sleeping.
Target specific issues and uncover less conventional methods of prayer that work with the changing seasons of life.
Not finding a “template” for prayer that works for you?
Try a variety of these flexible prayer methods that might work better for your life.
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stronger as one
Prayer Request
You are not alone when it comes to your challenges, obstacles, and decisions. Did you know the Church recognizes that we are all mystically united as the Body of Christ? Spiritually, we who are united in Christ are more closely connected than our own brothers and sisters.
This means that prayer is powerful and prayers for one another can bear great fruit in our lives. Like Simon who helped Jesus to carry His cross, we can help each other in carrying what feels “heavy” in this life. This can make a huge impact in lightening our load and experiencing greater companionship where it once felt lonely.
We do not have to face this life alone, in fact, we are not supposed to! When we entrust our needs to prayer we are giving God permission to lighten our load. Do not believe the lie that we have to “do it alone.” You are made for greatness and we are in this together.

“An aspect of Mrs. Dobbins's class I appreciated was the time we spent in prayer.
She would begin each class with a prayer and time for reflection; this not only allowed time with God but a time to reset in the midst of a busy day. I think I can speak for myself and my classmates when I say that Mrs. Dobbins helped my prayer life.”
“The thing that I loved about having Mrs.Dobbins was that she had an awesome understanding of Catholic Theology and would teach in a way that you could understand how theology could be incorporated into your everyday life.”
“I truly feel I learned so much from you and my faith grew even stronger!”
“Mrs. Dobbins, thank you so much for everything! You are an amazing teacher and you never fail to make me smile!”
Faith and Prayer Support
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